IEEE HotICN 2018 Beta

2018 IEEE HotICN Knowledge Graph Academic Competition

HotICN Knowledge Graph Academic Competition is co-organized by IEEE HotICN2018 and Shenzhen Medical Information Center, which provides a platform for researchers to test techniques, algorithms and systems. This competition sincerely invites scholars from relevant fields to take part in, meanwhile, participants in this competition will be invited to share their techniques, methods and experience. The chairman and member list of which will be released later.


April 25, 2018 Release test task
July 20, 2018 Register
May 15, 2018 Release training data
July 15, 2018 Release test data
July 20, 2018 Submit test result
August 5, 2018 Submit evaluation paper
August 15~17, 2018 Conference

Task explanation

Name: answer selection of medical community

Description: Given a question and several candidate answers, then sort the candidate answers to get the best answer.

Training set: 1000 questions with 10 candidate answers for each, which marks the correct and right answer.(Click here to download the training set) Here gives an example:


Test set: 200 questions with 10 candidate answers for each without marks. (Click here to download the test set) Here gives an example:


Result Submission: Test Data Q&A on Sort Results (.json). The title of the mail should be “ HotICN Competition-captain name-participating unit-Result Submission”, the content of which should be “team name, information of captain (name, email address and telephone number) - name of participating unit-Result Submission”, please send your registration email to

The sort result of candidate answers for each question. Here gives an example: (By default, the first one is the correct answer. The data structure is dict. And submit in '.json' format)

{’question‘:‘想知道血脂高吃什么药好?’,’answers’:{‘1’:‘您好;高血脂是体内胆固醇和甘油三酯增多,可以造成头晕,心脑血管的硬化。不能吃肥肉,要多吃水果,比如苹果,桔子,山楂,西瓜等,也可以用山楂和银杏叶来泡水喝会有很好的效果。’,’2’:‘你好,目前你们的情况主要是后遗症方面的问题,建议可以啊采用康复疗法如电针,按摩等。’,’3’:’ 你好,患者的疾病是否需要输液需要根据患者具体情况来确定的,需要主治医师来判断。’,’4’:’ 根据症状描述来看,考虑脑血管痉挛或三叉神经痛,首先要好好休息,保持平和心态,禁辛辣刺激油炸饮食,多喝温开水,同时按时用药,症状会慢慢改善。’,’5’:’ 你好,中风老人可以喝这个东西,只是少吃一些很油腻的食物就是了。’,’6’:’ 腔隙性脑梗塞问题不大的 建议你可以口服阿司匹林 辛伐他汀 预防心脑血管疾病就可以了。’,’7’:’ 你的这种情况可能是脑供血不足引起的,建议你先查明病因,必要时做脑血管造影检查。’,’8’:’ 舌头发僵,说话吐字不清楚,是神经系统或脑血管病变,建议你到医院神经科确诊后处理比较好。’,’9’:’ 你可以服用一些长效的降压药,降压效果是比较好的.一天一次就可以了。’,’10’:’你好,恢复期就是所说的后遗症。’}}

Evaluation Index: MAP & MRR

Contact: Bing Zhang(、Yang Deng(

Registration Method

The knowledge graph academic competition takes the form of mail registration with no more than 3 person of each team. The title of the mail should be “ HotICN Competition-captain name-participating unit”, the content of which should be “team name, information of captain (name, email address and telephone number) - name of participating unit”, please send your registration email to

The successful team will receive the notification of successful registration, if not, it means the mail is not sent successfully, please try again.


Fat bonus and “Certificate of Honor”are available for the contestants.

First Prize: 5000 RMB ( for one team)

Second Prize: 2000 RMB (for two teams)

Third Prize: 800 RMB ( for three teams)

Meanwhile, “Task Completion Certificate”is awarded for all teams with paper submissions, teams of scholars from universities and research institutes are encouraged to participate, the papers of awarded team are invited to submit to HotICN.


The academic competition is fair and open, and the task evaluation and award will be carried out by the Organizing Committee of the competition, the chairman will be public later.